Growing Pumpkins is Easy



Joshua found the pumkin seedss on the bench while cleaning up from dinner and asked if he could have them. The following day he asked if he could plant them. In pots I told him as the garden inst prepared. Now I didnt give him any instructions except in pot.


Day 2 he showed me very proudly his pumkin pots. He had filled the pots with sand. Our sand is very dry and has no nutrients in it at all. He planted 30 seeds in 25 pots. I told him dont be surprised if they dont grow as they are just planted in the sand.


Day 7:  a seed has sprouted Josh is very excited.

Day 8:  3 seeds have spouted

Day 11: we now have 11 pumkin seedlings. Josh waters them every morning and most evenings. Chantelle sings to them most afternoons. She said she heard that if you sing to them they grow quicker but I think its just an excuse to listen to music on her phone.


I did a little research and I found out it will take between 95 and 120 days for the pumkin to grow from seed to fruit.  Once the vine starts to flower it will take between 45 and 55 days for the pumkin to mature. The pumkins will be ready to pick when the fruit is fully coloured. The stem will begin to shrivel also.


We have fertilized Josh’s seedlings with worm tea that we have made ourselves. 

Now my question is in 110 more days who will be eating all these pumkins and only Daniel and I eat pumkin the children dont like them.